Patient Journal Care Record Elements (Transactional)
Care Record Element Types
Care Record Element Type | Type |
Allergy Intolerance |
Inbound Document |
Care Record Note |
Communication |
Encounter (Consultation) |
eMED3 Fit Note |
Immunisation |
| |
Medication Administration |
Medication Statement |
Observation |
Outbound Referral |
Prescription |
Procedure |
Recall |
Allergy Intolerance
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | The unique record identifier |
| SNOMED CT Code | A post-coordinated SNOMED CT code for the allergy/intolerance/sensitivity |
| SNOMED CT Code | A SNOMED CT code for the substance that the patient has an allergy/intolerance/sensitivity to |
| enum | Possible values:
| array of SNOMED CT Codes | SNOMED CT codes relating to an allergy/intolerance/sensitivity |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | The onset date of the allergy/intolerance/sensitivity |
| enum | Possible values:
| string
| Free text to record additional information |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | The record creation date |
| Details of the recording practitioner | Details of the recording practitioner Example payload:
| Details of the recording organisation | Details of the recording organisation Example payload:
| Enum | The status of the allergy. Possible values:
| Problem | (If applicable) A reference to the linked problem, set in the Medicus U |
Inbound Document
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| SNOMED CT Code | The SNOMED CT that defines the document type |
| string | An optional title for the document. |
| The attached file | Example payload:
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| Organisation | The organisation that authored the document” |
| Practitioner | The practitioner that authored the document |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Care Record Note
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | The unique record identifier |
| SNOMED CT Code | The SNOMED CT code associated with the note |
| string | The note body/content of the note |
| Recorded by Practitioner | Details of the recording practitioner Example payload:
| Recorded by Organisation | Details of the recording organisation Example payload:
| date (ISO 8601 format) | The date on which the fact was recorded |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | The unique record identifier |
| SNOMED CT Code | The SNOMED CT code associated with the outbound communication |
| string | A free text summary for the outbound communication |
| enum | The method of communication used e.g. SMS. Options:
| Recorded by Practitioner
| Details of the recording practitioner Example payload:
| Recorded by Organisation
| Details of the recording organisation Example payload:
| date (ISO 8601 format) | The date on which the fact was recorded |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Encounter (Consultation)
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | The encounter’s start date |
| time | The encounter’s start time |
| datetime (ISO 8601 format) | The encounter’s end time |
| Organisation | The responsible organisation |
| Practioner | The responsible practitioner |
| string | An optional property to support import data from other system. This property is never set from the Medicus user interface. |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| Location | The encounter’s location |
| array of Practitioners | Additional staff |
| array of strings | Other participants in the encounter |
| Recorded by Practitioner | Details of the recording practitioner Example payload:
| Recorded by Organisation | Details of the recording organisation Example payload:
| array | See: Consultation Topic |
| date |
Encounter: Consultation Topic
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| string | The title of the consultation topic |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| an array of Consulation Topic Headings | The Consultation Topic headings |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Encounter: Consultation Topic Heading
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| string | The title of the consultation topic (the tabs) |
| array | An array of care record elements (see Care Record Element Types) |
eMED3 Fit Note
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | The unique record identifier |
| SNOMED CT Code | A SNOMED CT Code that describes the fit note as a record entry. |
| The attached file | Details of the file attached to the care record document Example Payload:
| date (ISO 8601 format) | The date that the assessment took place. |
| Practitioner | The assessing practitioner. |
| Organisation | The assessing organisation. |
| Date | The fit note's recorded date. |
| Practitioner | The recording practitioner. |
| Organisation | The recording organisation. |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| datetime (ISO 8601 format) | The datetime that the vaccination was recorded |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| Product | Example payload:
Example payload:
| |
| string | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| time | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| date | |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Investigation Report
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| Organisation | |
| string | The requesting department |
| Practitioner | |
| string | |
| dateTime (ISO 8601 format) | |
| Organisation | |
| string | |
| Practitioner | |
| An array of Investigation Groups | |
| An array of | |
| An array of Specimens | |
| An array of filing comment as strings | |
| Practitioner | |
| Organisation | |
| date | |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Investigation Report: Investigation Group
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| Investigation Results (as array) | |
| Specimen |
Investigation Report: Investigation Result
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| datetime (ISO 8601 format) | |
| datetime (ISO 8601 format) | |
| enum | Possible values:
| enum | Possible values:
| decimal | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| bool | |
| array of Reference Ranges | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string |
Investigation Result Reference Range
Property | Type | Description |
| decimal | |
| decimal | |
| null |
Investigation Specimen
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| string | |
| datetime (ISO 8601 format) | |
| Amount Collected Quantity | |
| enum | Possible values:
Note, a |
| datetime (ISO 8601 format) | |
| string |
Amount Collected: Quantity
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| decimal |
| SNOMED CT Code |
Medication Administration
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| Product | |
| Value: decimal Unit: SNOMED-CT Code | Sample payload
| string | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| time | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| date | |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Medication Statement
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| enum | Possible values: |
| enum | Possible values: |
| Product | |
| enum | Possible values: |
| string | |
| string | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| string | |
| Recorded by Organisation | Details of the recording organisation Example payload:
| Recorded by Practitioner | Details of the recording practitioner Example payload:
| date | |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| time | |
| Observation Blood Pressure | Example payload:
| SNOMED CT Code (always mmHg) | Example payload:
| Observation Quantity | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| dateTime (ISO 8601 format) | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| Organisation | The organisation that recorded the fact |
| Practitioner | The practitioner who recorded the fact |
| date | The date on which the fact was recorded |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Observation: Quantity
Property | Type | Description |
| enum | Possible values:
| decimal | |
| SNOMED CT Code |
Observation: Blood Pressure
Property | Type | Description |
| decimal | |
| decimal |
Outbound Referral
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | |
type | enum | The type of referral. Options:
priority | enum | The priority of the referral. Options:
uniqueBookingReferenceNumber | string | NHS e-Referrals only: The e-RS unique booking reference number. |
referralDate | localDate | The care record date for the referral as specified by the referrer. Note, this property can have different meaning depending on the local organisation. In Medicus, it is intended to capture the date the decision to refer was made. |
referralCode | snomedCTCode | A SNOMED CT code to describe the referral. |
clinicalSpecialty | snomedCTCode | A SNOMED CT code containing the clinical specialty of the referral. |
referredToProvider | organisationInformation | Manual referral only: A property to store the provider the referral was made to. |
referredToService | healthcareServiceInformation | Manual referral only: A property to store the service the referral was made to. |
referredToPractitioner | practitionerInformation | Manual referral only: A property to store the practitioner the referral was made to. |
shortlistedServices | Array of Shortlisted Services | NHS e-Referrals only: The services that the patient/clinician shortlisted as part of the referral request. |
referredByOrganisation | organisationInformation | The organisation that referred the patient. |
referredByPractitioner | practitionerInformation | The practitioner who referred the patient. |
additionalInformation | string | A free text field to capture any additional information about the referral. |
referralAttachments | An array of referral attachments | |
recordedDate | localDate | The date that the referral was recorded in the clinical system. |
recordedByOrganisation | organisationInformation | The organisation that recorded the referral. |
recordedByPractitioner | practitionerInformation | The practitioner who recorded the referral. |
cancellationReason | string | If the referral was cancelled, a string containing information about the cancellation. |
NHS e-Referral Shortlisted Service
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | |
provider | organisationInformation | The provider the of the shortlisted service. |
service | healthcareServiceInformation | The name and identifier of the service. |
practitioner | practitionerInformation | The named practitioner of the service if there was a specific named practitioner. |
Referral Attachment
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | |
file | The attached file | Details of the referral attachment file. Example Payload:
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | The unique prescription identifier |
| enum | The type of prescription Possible values: [ |
| Product | The prescription’s pharmaceutical product |
| string | |
| int | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | Prescription review date |
| uuid | Any specific instructions to the dispensing organisation about the medication (e.g. Tell patient to stop taking their antibiotics with this medication). |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| enum | Possible values: |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| enum | Possible values:
| Practitioner
| Organisation
| date | The date that the prescription was recorded. |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Prescription: Quantity
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| SNOMED CT Code |
| decimal |
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| string | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| time | |
| Organisation | |
| Practitioner | |
| Recorded by Practitioner | Details of the recording practitioner Example payload:
| Recorded by Organisation | Details of the recording organisation Example payload:
| date | The date on which the fact was recorded |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | Recall Identifier |
| SNOMED CT Code | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| date (ISO 8601 format) | |
| string | |
| Possible values: [ | |
| Recorded by Practitioner | Details of the recording practitioner |
| Recorded by Organisation | Details of the recording organisation |
| Problem | (If applicable) An array of references to the linked problem, as set in the Medicus user interface |
Linked Problems
For more details on Problems see Linking Care Records to Problems Implementation Guidance.
Property | Type | Description |
| SNOMED CT Code |
"problem": {
"conceptId": "43116000",
"description": "Eczema",
"descriptionId": "71923017"
Common Object Schemas
This section documents a series of common schemas that appear across multiple Care Record Elements
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| string | The location's name |
| Postal Address (see JSON payload) | If applicable |
Sample Payload
"name": "The Surgery",
"address": {
"line1": "The Shire",
"line2": "24-32 London Rd",
"line3": "Southfields",
"locality": "Newbury",
"administrativeArea": "Berkshire",
"postalCode": "RG14 1JX",
"country": "United Kingdom"
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| string | The organisation's name |
| string | The ODS code associated with the location/organisation |
Sample Payload
"name": "Primary Care Group Ltd",
"odsCode": "ABC123"
Postal Address
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| string | The first line of the addess |
| string | The second line of the addess |
| string | The third line of the addess |
| string | The address' locality |
| string | The address' administrative area |
| string | The address' postal code |
| string | The address' country |
Sample Payload
"line1": "The Shire",
"line2": "24-32 London Rd",
"line3": "Southfields",
"locality": "Newbury",
"administrativeArea": "Berkshire",
"postalCode": "RG14 1JX",
"country": "United Kingdom"
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| uuid | Unique Medicus user identifier |
| string | The name of the practitioner |
Sample Payload
"id": "bc6b8fff-9467-484f-9e79-ac38dedcae67",
"name": "Dr Smith"
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| string | Dictionary of medicines and devices code |
| string | Product name |
| string | A description of the product |
| string | The name of the product’s manufacturer |
Sample Payload
"product": {
"dmdCode": "39230211000001104",
"name": "COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen (Ad26.COV2-S [recombinant]) 0.5ml dose suspension for injection multidose vials",
"description": "COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen (Ad26.COV2-S [recombinant]) 0.5ml dose suspension for injection multidose vials",
"manufacturerName": "Janssen-Cilag Ltd"
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
| string | SNOMED CT concept ID |
| string | SNOMED CT description |
| string | SNOMED CT description ID |
Sample Payload
"conceptId": "390952000",
"description": "Allergy to dust",
"descriptionId": "1484982010"
Healthcare Service
Property | Type | Description |
| uuid | The ID of the healthcare service |
| string | The healthcare service name |
Sample Payload
"id": "0e15b37f-4fed-4648-aec6-06906b9d9214",
"name": "Children's Wellbeing"
Attached File
Property | Type | Description |
| string | The filename |
| int | The filesize in megabytes |
| string | The file’s MIME type |
| string | The URL required to retrieve the file |
Sample Payload
"name": "discharge-summary-template.pdf",
"size": 25,
"type": "application/pdf",
"url": "/transactional-api/v1/file/emed3-fit-note/e0a10fc6-6fda-11ed-84e5-0a58a9feac02/e10fc07e-6fda-11ed-a193-0a58a9feac02"